The following story is about my wife.
About two years ago when my wife was 58 she went to see her gynecologist. The results were not good. Gynecologists have four categories for tissue. Category 1 is normal and as the number goes up they get worse with category 4 being cancerous. The test results for my wife was a category 3.
This meant that she had pre-cancerous cells of the cervix, not a full-blown cancer.
The doctor wanted my wife to have a hysterectomy. I asked the doctor if we could have a few minutes alone to make a decision about the hysterectomy. While alone, I told my wife that I thought the Model A Rife Machine that I used might help resolve her medical problem without surgery. The doctor did a good job of scaring my wife, and she pointed to the doctor’s medical diploma from Harvard on the wall and said “this doctor is a well qualified medical professional and you’re not”. I suggested she use the Rife Machine for two months and if her test results don’t get better she can then have the hysterectomy. My wife reluctantly agreed and I ended up feeling like I was threatening my wife’s life by not going ahead with the doctor’s recommendation for the hysterectomy.
When the doctor returned I told her we wanted to wait two months to see if the condition gets better before making a decision about doing a hysterectomy. I didn’t tell her that my wife was going to use the Rife Machine. The doctor apparently was not used to patients not following her medical advice and directed the following comment to me. The doctor said that if I was right and my wife’s condition could get better without surgery it meant that her medical education had been wrong and for 20 years she has been practicing medicine wrong.
My wife told the doctor that she wanted to have a D and C procedure not a hysterectomy and be retested in two months to see if she still needed the hysterectomy. The doctor said that time was critical and that the test results in two months would be the same, or may get worse. The doctor said that this was a life threatening condition, and she urged my wife several times not to wait and to get the hysterectomy because in two months it may be too late. You can imagine how bad I felt for asking my wife not to have the hysterectomy that the doctor said could save her life.
I have had the Model A Rife Machine for several years and during that time my wife had refused to use it. She now used the Rife Machine twice a week for one hour each time with the electrodes on her feet. She was retested by the doctor two months later and the result came back as category 1 which is normal tissue. The doctor didn’t ask what my wife did to improve her test results. The doctor seemed embarrassed and just tried to get us out of her office as quickly as possible. Over the next two years my wife used the Rife Machine about once a month and was tested several times and the results have all been normal.
I hope that readers benefit from my wife’s experience on how gynecologists try to direct their patients toward radical surgeries like hysterectomies when my wife’s cervical tissue tested only pre-cancerous and not cancerous. The people at JWLABS were very helpful and the results that my wife got with the Model A Rife Machine seemed like a miracle.
John H., Virginia 10/31/12