I started out building Rife-type devices for folks in 1987. My estimation of the industry at that time was such that I was reluctant to enter it. Even today, my opinion of most of the information on the internet which claims to represent Rife technology is that it is grossly misleading….or just plain WRONG!
Many of the devices found on the market today are cheap, off-the-shelf devices which deliver a modicum of effect. Because there are benefits to applying current to the body in general, these devices may help the well person to feel somewhat better; but they are hardly the instrument of choice when addressing a health crisis. Mostly, these devices are based on unquestioned interpretations of the technology. They reflect little to no research; rather, they are based on information garnered elsewhere on the internet. A classic example of what I call the “dumbing down” of the technology.
Needless to say, these devices are not accompanied with any level of customer support. And if you break it, you lose it.
The reason people choose JWLABS is that they can see that I am sincere about what I am doing. I have done actual development of the technology during the course of my 27 years in the industry. For that reason alone, I have more to offer. My genuine concern for your outcome is reflected in my commitment to providing personalized coaching, as needed. And, of course, I provide an extended repair/replacement warranty. This, because I am confident of the Model A’s reliability; and because I am committed to you having an instrument in good working order.
It’s unfortunate that it has taken such a long time for the public to recognize the importance of Rife technology. (Little do they know that the first direct contact machines were patented in the 1890′s.) Sadly, people find that when all conventional methods have failed, only the alternatives remain.
Most folks begin with only the most rudimentary folklore; and this, at the point where there seems to be no other reasonable solution to their problems. They are often thrust out of the conventional paradigm only after they have come to feel very much betrayed by mainstream medicine. Consequently, they are often flat broke and broken-hearted.
Thus they start out on a hunt for promoters of any “rife machine” on the web. It is horrendously unfair for these folks to have to wade through an onslaught of fraudulent claims and fake products.
A beginner’s search will produce about 90% nonsense, and unless you promptly find www.jwlabs.com or www.rifemachine.com near the top of the list on the Search Engine monopolies, you might not find me until you have already been robbed a few times.
This is not to say that there are no other credible researchers in this technology; but the Rife machine industry is unregulated, and has become a haven for charlatans. Even the would-be de-bunkers of the technology are fraudulent. They pretend to be concerned about the consumer and perhaps the public safety when, in fact, they are placed there by larger interests just to run interference.
It’s a travesty that the climate in the health care industry has become one of disease management, a diversion from the original intention of truly attending to and preserving wellness. This was the beginning of the end of truth in medicine. Likewise, it’s unfortunate that some purveyors of equipment which claim to be Rife machines are ill-informed or deliberately mis-leading the public. Some have even resorted to nonsensical “comparisons” with their competitors to make themselves look superior. And yes, some have even outright lied.
What is one to do? How does the novice sort out fact from fiction? Whether you are just beginning to explore the Rife tradition, or you are an experienced user, practitioner, or scientific researcher, I implore you to call me direct before you make a decision about your investment in a Rife machine.
Do your homework first. Read through the material on our web sites so you have a feel for the fundamentals. Then, let’s have a straightforward discussion. About the science. About the facts. And about your concerns. I will do my best to help you clear the muddy waters so you can make a decision you feel good about.
I hope you will elect to work with JWLABS. But even if that’s not the path you choose, I can assure you that you will have the wherewithal to ask better questions, to recognize the fundamental truths of the technology, and to connect the dots. You cannot make sound decisions without good, reliable information. At our web sites, and in conversation, we strive to get the right information to you in a way that is understandable. Only then will you be able to move forward with confidence.
This is about more than recovering our health; it’s about recovering our dignity!
You can reach me at 888-523-8695.